MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – TV host Glenn Beck took to the campaign trail in Myrtle Beach to stump for Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz.
Beck spoke to more than 300 people at the Springmaid Pier for a event hosted by Keep The Promise PAC.
The television personality was onstage for more than an hour, showing his support for Cruz and blasting other candidates.
He warned the crowd of socialist, status quo, and authoritarian candidates in the race; saying the only candidate that truly supports the constitution is Senator Cruz of Texas.
In his speech Beck said he’d never before endorsed a presidential hopeful but is joining the fight because it’s the last chance to defend the constitution.
He also specifically went after the Republican front runner as a negative influence, saying an effective tv ad against him would be little girls caught using profane language they learned from Donald Trump.
“This guy can call Ted Cruz the “P” word and still have polls the next day. He can say the worst things about people we respect and people we respect say, yeah your know what, I don’t like that. I’ve never seen any thing like it,” said Beck.
Beck also questioned whether the businessman truly held Christian values, “he can say ‘yeah I read the bible it’s a special book, I keep in a special place.’ How about you keep it in your heart.”
Senator Cruz will next be in our area on Monday in Florence at the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing & Technology at 6:00pm.
Cruz and Beck will hold a joint rally in Aiken at the Etherredge Center at 11am on also on Monday.