FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) – According to The State Newspaper, 12 percent of republican voters are undecided.
Voters in the Pee Dee are hesitant when asked which presidential candidate will get their vote, especially after Governor Nikki Haley’s recent endorsement of Marco Rubio.
“I’m not sure. I’m thinking,” said undecided voter Gladys Marsh.
And while voters like Marsh are still thinking, voters like Walter George are debating whether they’ll vote in the Republican primary or the Democratic primary.
“I’m undecided. I’m looking at all of them,” George admits.
“They’re all saying the same thing, just a little bit of different ways,” said Marion County resident Thomas Edwards.
Political experts say those undecided voters could help the candidates who chase presidential candidate Donald Trump.
“They really are having a tough decision and also they may be waiting to get all of the information they can,” explained Francis Marion University Professor David White. “Sometimes things happen at the last minute that may make you change.”
It’s a last minute decision for 21-year-old Francis Marion student Tevin Leary who says he won’t chance it.
“From just social media or just outside sources, it just doesn’t seem as if we have the best candidate right now,” said Leary.
The undecided voters have until Saturday night at 7 p.m. to vote in the Republican primary. The Democratic primary will be Saturday February 27th.