SPARTANBURG, SC – Spartanburg Police say they are looking for a man who sexually exploited a minor on April 2 in a Dorman Center Walmart bathroom.
A woman said she was waiting outside the men’s room when her brother came out and told her a man videotaped him using the bathroom.
He told his sister “Guess what, some man was video taping me using the bathroom.”
He aid the man was continuously looking at him while he was using the bathroom.
She said as she was reporting the incident to the manager, her brother saw the suspect standing in the money center line.
The suspect saw them and quickly took off.
Police say the suspect was about 6-foot and skinny, wearing dark-colored clothes with a yellow/orange tint in his hair.
Still shots were taken of the man and his vehicle, but no tag number is available.
Investigator Eric Gallman asks you to call him if you have any information on this incident at 864-415-2532.