Bullying, drugs, gangs and violence are just some of the issues teens face in our area, so local community members organized the first Teen Expo event at Horry Georgetown Community College in Conway on Saturday.
Organizers of the expo wanted to give teens and parents the chance to discuss problems that face youth today.
“Because you have to take a village to raise kids, it takes more than parents to raise children,” said Tamelia Hemingway, a parent of three who knows the troubles teens face all too well.
Her nephew was killed just five months ago, “gang violence, he was only 18 years old,” said Hemingway.
Police, colleges, career counselors and others participated in the Expo to give advice on any subject that impacts area youth.
“We thought that it would be great to pull together a platform so we could talk about anything from what’s happening in law enforcement to education,” said HGTC’s director of career resources, April Garner.
Hemingway brought her 15 year old son with the hopes of a brighter future.
“I really want to make him empowered about going to college, making it to the next level of higher education,” she said.
16 year old Tori Aklin not only plans on attending college, she’s already decided on building her own business, “and having a hair salon and having my own products.”
Aklin says the Expo gave her a better idea of what it’s going to take to accomplish her goals, “talking to them opened my eyes and gave me lots of insight on what I have to do,” she said part of that discussion, was limiting distractions.
“They say you pick up you’re phone 150 times a day,” according to 11th grader Marcus McDonald.
He volunteered for the Expo and looks for things outside of smart phones and social media, “because a book is going to take you a lot further than a phone.”
Aspiring leader and fellow volunteer Micah Coutian says that’s important because, “we are the next generation to define the world and all that right now.”
Nearly 500 people participated in the Teen Expo 2015 and organizers hope to grow that number next year.
The Expo split parents from teens, and the boys from the girls; so everyone felt comfortable to ask questions and share their feelings.
HGTC teamed up with the U.S. Army and 98.5 Kiss FM to put on the event.